Welcome to DirectMailQuotes

The best place to get quotes and information on direct mail. Whether you are new to direct mail or a seasoned expert, we have resources to assist you. Look up postal rates and regulations, browse through our giant selection of direct mail related articles, or if you have a project to mail, fill out our direct mail spec sheet and have it emailed to your local shops for bidding.

You can get quotes based on services required, number of pieces to be mailed, postage class, target mail date, and scope of the project. The quote is absolutely free and there's no pressure to accept any bids. If you need more information about our mail quote service, you can call our office direct at (800) 557-5487.

STOP: Only proceed if you have a genuine direct mail project that needs bidding.

Our members spend a great amount of time furnishing bids.
Please only submit a direct mail Request For Quote for a genuine project.

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"The vendor who's quote we accepted was thorough -- there were no surprises. Every task was spelled out."

Christine -- Silver Spring, MD